
Change image colors in Affinity Designer
How To Change Image Colors In Affinity Designer
How To Change Image Colors In Affinity Designer 1024 602 Nick Saporito

Although Affinity Designer is mostly used as a vector design tool, it also has lots of powerful image-editing features built in. One such feature would be the ability to change the color of an object in a photo, which can be accomplished with a simple adjustment layer. This tutorial will demonstrate how to do just…

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Save with a transparent background in Inkscape
How To Save A Transparent PNG with Inkscape
How To Save A Transparent PNG with Inkscape 1024 602 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to save your designs with a transparent background in Inkscape. This will enable you to generate usable copies of your designs in PNG format and without a background. When saving files you may naturally think of the typical File-Save-As pathway, but with design software it’s a little…

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Make an image black and white with Procreate
How To Make An Image Black And White With Procreate
How To Make An Image Black And White With Procreate 1024 602 Nick Saporito

Removing color from an image is a straightforward process, but depending on the composition of the image, you’ll likely have to make some adjustments to accommodate for the change in appearance. In this tutorial we’ll be going over how you can make an image black and white with Procreate by removing the saturation and adjusting…

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Inkscape dark theme
How To Apply A Dark Theme In Inkscape
How To Apply A Dark Theme In Inkscape 1000 587 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how you can apply a dark theme in Inkscape. As we’ll be going over, this can be accomplished either in the welcome menu or in the Inkscape Preferences menu. This tutorial is updated for 2023 and is applicable to Windows, Mac and Linux users as of Inkscape version…

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Distribute objects evenly in Illustrator
How To Distribute Objects Evenly In Illustrator
How To Distribute Objects Evenly In Illustrator 800 470 Nick Saporito

When arranging objects in Illustrator, you may want to ensure that there is an equal amount of space between them. This can technically be accomplished with a variety of tools, such as snapping and grids. However, in this tutorial we’ll be going over how to distribute objects evenly by using the Alignment menu, which is…

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How to remove a background in Inkscape
How To Remove A Background From An Image With Inkscape
How To Remove A Background From An Image With Inkscape 800 470 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to remove a background with Inkscape. Although Inkscape is a vector-based tool, that doesn’t mean it can’t handle simple image-editing tasks. And if all you need to do is delete a background from an image then Inkscape should be a sufficient enough tool in most instances. Inkscape…

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How to change the background color in Inkscape
How To Change The Background Color In Inkscape
How To Change The Background Color In Inkscape 800 470 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to change the background color of the canvas and workspace in Inkscape. We’ll also be going over how to save these changes so that they’re applied every time you launch Inkscape. By default, Inkscape opens with a white canvas (or “page” as it’s called) and a light…

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How to Trace Bitmap in Inkscape
How To Use Trace Bitmap In Inkscape | Tutorial
How To Use Trace Bitmap In Inkscape | Tutorial 800 470 Nick Saporito

Trace Bitmap is a feature in Inkscape that allows you to auto-generate vector tracings of pixel-based images, and in this tutorial we’ll be going over how you can do just that. This feature is absent in many of the premium design apps, making Inkscape an invaluable free tool for users who may be missing out …

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Create a multi-page PDF with Inkscape
How To Create A Multi Page PDF with Inkscape
How To Create A Multi Page PDF with Inkscape 800 470 Nick Saporito

For the longest time, making multi-page PDFs with Inkscape was a process that requires several workarounds and third-party applications. But thanks to an update in version 1.2 (and beyond,) it can now all be done within the software. In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how. Last year, Inkscape released version 1.2, which came with…

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How to undo a grouping in Illustrator
3 Ways To Undo A Grouping In Illustrator
3 Ways To Undo A Grouping In Illustrator 800 470 Nick Saporito

Do you have a cluster of objects that you’d like to work with individually in Adobe Illustrator? If so, this can be frustrating if you don’t know how to separate them. If this sounds like a problem that you’re experiencing then today you’re in luck as we will be going over 3 different ways to…

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