
Cutout text effect
Create A Cutout Text Effect in Affinity Designer
Create A Cutout Text Effect in Affinity Designer 1024 640 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial I’ll be demonstrating a simple and non-destructive way to create a cutout text effect where the text is represented by negative space, allowing the background to show through. Typically, you would think to use something like Boolean operations, or the Shape Builder. However, this can be accomplished in a non-destructive way using…

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New Features In Affinity Designer 🗞️ Welcome To Version 2.4!
New Features In Affinity Designer 🗞️ Welcome To Version 2.4! 1024 640 Nick Saporito

Earlier today Serif released version 2.4 of Affinity Designer and with it comes some new features and tools.The biggest new addition is the Layer States menu, which allows you to toggle the visibility of multiple layers based on parameters of your choosing.Some other new features include…The ability to export DXF and DWG files The ability…

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Repeating an object along a path in Affinity Designer
How To Repeat Objects Along A Path In Affinity Designer
How To Repeat Objects Along A Path In Affinity Designer 1024 683 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial I’ll be demonstrating how you can take a single object and repeat it along a path in Affinity Designer. This can be useful in creating fun patterns and decorative borders.To accomplish this, we’ll need to create an object to repeat and then make it into a Textured Image Brush.Once made into a…

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Create A Carved Wood Mockup with Affinity Designer
Create A Carved Wood Mockup with Affinity Designer 1024 602 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to use Affinity Designer to take any vector object and make it look like it’s been carved into a piece of wood. This can be an excellent way to depict the versatility of a logo design.It also works with simple illustrations, such as logos, icons, text objects,…

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Color replace in Affinity Designer
How To Replace Every Instance Of A Color In Affinity Designer
How To Replace Every Instance Of A Color In Affinity Designer 1000 587 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to find and replace every instance of a color using Affinity Designer. Doing so manually would require you to select objects and change their color one-by-one, but as it turns out, there is a much quicker way to do this. This is not to be confused with…

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Apply vector textures with Affinity Designer
A Simple Trick For Applying Vector Textures In Affinity Designer + Free Texture Pack
A Simple Trick For Applying Vector Textures In Affinity Designer + Free Texture Pack 1000 587 Nick Saporito

In past tutorials we’ve gone over how to apply pixel-based texture overlays in Affinity Designer using black & white images and layer masks. However, in this tutorial we’ll be going over how to use vector textures instead, which requires an entirely different workflow. When working with a vector-based texture, your first instinct may be to…

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Use Pantone colors in Affinity Designer
How To Use Pantone Colors In Affinity Designer
How To Use Pantone Colors In Affinity Designer 1000 587 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be having a look at how you can find and use Pantone colors in Affinity Designer. Then, we’ll go over how to properly save/export your work as a PDF file with printer marks, registration marks and a color bar. Pantones are a proprietary color space most commonly used when designing for…

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Move part of an image in Affinity Designer
How To Move Part Of An Image In Affinity Designer
How To Move Part Of An Image In Affinity Designer 1000 587 Nick Saporito

When working with photos in Affinity Designer you may find yourself needing to move part of an image for any number of reasons. Thankfully there is the Pixel Persona, which provides tools that let you create selections over areas of an image. In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to use those selections to…

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Round the corners of an image in Affinity Designer
How To Round The Corners Of An Image In Affinity Designer
How To Round The Corners Of An Image In Affinity Designer 800 470 Nick Saporito

Affinity Designer allows you to make various types of edits to pixel-based images. One of the more common edits we’ll be focusing on in this lesson is rounding the corners of an image. In this tutorial we’ll be having a look at how you can do just that using clipping masks. As it turns out,…

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Why brushes are missing in Affinity Designer
SOLVED: Why Your Brushes Are Missing In Affinity Designer
SOLVED: Why Your Brushes Are Missing In Affinity Designer 1024 602 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be addressing a common problem many new users of Affinity Designer may experience– missing brushes. You may already know how to import brushes, but what if you’ve imported them and they’re not populating in the Brushes menu? This can be confusing and frustrating. As you may already know, the way to…

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