
Inkscape VS Illustrator
Inkscape VS Illustrator | Pros & Cons of Each
Inkscape VS Illustrator | Pros & Cons of Each 1024 576 Nick Saporito

A few years ago I uploaded a video to YouTube comparing the differences between Inkscape and Adobe Illustrator, but a lot has changed since then. Inkscape has grown by leaps and bounds and Illustrator continues to raise the bar while leading the charge on AI, so now seems like a fitting time for an updated…

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Make Text Less Boring In Inkscape By Adding Swashes
Make Text Less Boring In Inkscape By Adding Swashes 1024 576 Nick Saporito

Today I’ll be demonstrating how you can use Inkscape to add character to your lettering by applying these decorative flourishes known as swashes. This is accomplished using the Pencil Tool and the Power Stroke path effect. First, we’ll use the Pencil to draw a plain line in the contour of the swash, then we’ll use…

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Drawing the FireFox logo in Inkscape
How To Draw The Firefox Logo In Inkscape πŸ”₯🦊
How To Draw The Firefox Logo In Inkscape πŸ”₯🦊 1024 640 Nick Saporito

Today’s tutorial is an exercise in using Inkscape as a tool for tracing, drawing and simulating gradients. Follow step-by-step as I demonstrate how to draw the Firefox logo using nothing but ellipses and the Pen Tool. When drawing with vectors, I’ve found that it’s always helpful to try to visualize the simple shapes within a…

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Working with gradients in Inkscape
The Definitive Guide To Working With Gradients In Inkscape
The Definitive Guide To Working With Gradients In Inkscape 1024 640 Nick Saporito

Gradients are transitions between various colors, and they’re an essential part of graphic design and digital art in general. In this tutorial we’ll be going over everything you need to know to make gradients in Inkscape; including linear, radial, mesh, and conical gradients. In short, there’s two different tools we’ll be working with to make…

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Inkscape Shape Builder Tool
Inkscape Now Has A Shape Builder! Here’s How To Use It
Inkscape Now Has A Shape Builder! Here’s How To Use It 1000 587 Nick Saporito

The Inkscape team recently released version 1.3Β and with it comes lots of new tools and features. One such welcomed addition is the Shape Builder Tool, which allows you to create shapes based on the intersecting areas of overlapping shapes. In this tutorial we’ll be having a look at how to use it to make a…

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Lock objects in Inkscape
How To Use Layer Locks In Inkscape To Fix Objects To The Canvas
How To Use Layer Locks In Inkscape To Fix Objects To The Canvas 1000 587 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to lock objects in Inkscape by using the lock feature within the Layers menu. This will enable you to temporarily fix objects to your canvas so that you don’t accidentally move them around while you’re working. In short, this is accomplished by clicking a single icon within…

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Applying vector textures with Inkscape
An Easier Way To Apply Vector Textures In Inkscape
An Easier Way To Apply Vector Textures In Inkscape 1000 587 Nick Saporito

In a tutorial from a few years ago we went over how to apply a distressed effect in Inkscape by using vector textures and path operations. However, in this tutorial we’ll be going over how to apply those vector textures using a more efficient workflow that utilizes some of Inkscape’s newer features. When working with…

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Instagram carousel template for Inkscape users
Instagram Carousel Template for Inkscape Users | Free Download + Tutorial
Instagram Carousel Template for Inkscape Users | Free Download + Tutorial 1000 587 Nick Saporito

In this tutorial we’ll be going over how to slice and export your artwork as carousel tiles using Inkscape. The example we’ll be working with today is used to create a carousel for Instagram — or a collection of individual slides that make up a continuous image when placed side-by-side. To do this we will…

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Lasso select mode in Inkscape
Lasso Select Mode: The Inkscape Feature Nobody Told You About
Lasso Select Mode: The Inkscape Feature Nobody Told You About 1000 587 Nick Saporito

As you may have already known, you can select multiple objects in Inkscape either by Shift-clicking them or by clicking and dragging to create a rectangular bounding box around them. But what you may not have known is that there is a third option known and Lasso Select mode, and it allows you to quickly…

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How to adjust HSL in Inkscape
Change Entire Color Ranges with HSL Adjustments In Inkscape
Change Entire Color Ranges with HSL Adjustments In Inkscape 1000 587 Nick Saporito

When changing the colors of objects in Inkscape, you typically have to select each individual object one-by-one and apply a fill color to each. But what if you wanted to change an entire range of colors so that you end up with a more consistent result? This is where HSL adjustments come in handy, and…

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