Social Media

Flat Social Media Icons Vector Pack
Flat Social Media Icons | Free Vector Pack for 2018
Flat Social Media Icons | Free Vector Pack for 2018 1024 602 Nick Saporito

Last year I arranged and uploaded a pack of vector social media icons that you can use in your design work. If you do branding-specific design like I do, you’ll often find yourself needing true vector copies of  these social logos, so I figured it would make sense to bundle them all together into a…

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how i make youtube videos header
How I Make My Youtube Videos
How I Make My Youtube Videos 850 500 Nick Saporito

I get asked about this a lot in the comments section. So I figured I’d write a post outlining exactly how I make my videos for Youtube, along with what hardware and software I use (because I’m frequently asked about that as well,) so I can link this post in the description section of each…

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Free Social Media Icons SVG: Vector Pack for 2017
Free Social Media Icons SVG: Vector Pack for 2017 848 310 Nick Saporito

When designing promotional materials for my clients, I often find myself having to include social media handles alongside their phone number and email addresses. In the year 2016,  social media is just as much a communication tool as phone, email and web. Because of that, it’s safe to assume that you’ll be regularly using social media icons…

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