Learn how to start earning money with your design skills by using freelancing sites like Upwork & Freelancer
Freelancing sites provide an incredible opportunity for a talented designer with no experience or traditional education to get hired for their first design projects and start gaining valuable, real-world experience while earning some cash at the same time.
Sites like Upwork and Freelancer allow anyone to set up a profile, upload a portfolio, and start bidding on freelance gigs that were posted by regular people looking to have logos (and other items) designed. In fact, this is how I got my start as a graphic designer. For several years I was earning a full-time living by using sites like Upwork.
Meet UpworkUpwork is a platform that connects clients and designers. Here’s a look at my own profile back when I used the site on a full-time basis… |
The Challenge…
The problem with freelancing sites is that they are crowded and highly-competitive. As a first-time designer with no reviews on your profile yet, it can be very difficult to get hired for your first gig because you will be competing with dozens of other established and reputable designers for the same jobs.
Getting hired for your first project is going to require more than just an impressive portfolio. You must know how to create a compelling profile page, learn how to differentiate legitimate job posts from poor job posts, and most importantly, write an enticing proposal that will make you stand out from the other designers. Without the ability to sell, you won’t be able to get very far. |
How To Get Hired On Upwork
As a top-rated logo designer who has completed thousands of freelance projects on sites like Upwork, Elance and oDesk while maintaining a feedback score of 4.9 out of 5 stars, I’m going to teach you everything I know about succeeding on these platforms. I’ll be sharing all of the tips, tricks, secrets and tactics I’ve picked up over the years so you can use them to your advantage.
The complete How To Get Hired On Upwork coursework comes with the following items…
PDF Book
- 60+ Pages
- 17,000 Words
Video Walkthroughs
- Introduction to the Upwork site
- Live prospecting of job posts
- Reviews of other freelancer profiles
- 90+ Minutes of video
- MP4 Format
- Full HD 1080p
Audio Book
- 2 Hours
- HQ Audio narration
- MP3 Format
In addition, you’ll also get access to our private community where you can participate and receive assistance from me any time you want!
Stand out from the other freelancers with a professionally-crafted portfolio, a profile that is built to sell, and a written proposal that will entice clients to hire you over everyone else. Learn how to give your clients a memorable experience that will lead to 5-star reviews, repeat business and referral clients.